Main entrance safety bars Type-60

Product Info.

Additional security for the main entrance. They’ve been studied and designed to secure the main entrance (shielded or more simple construction) when the owner is within his home. Placed in internal doors aim to increase safety during sleep. The bars secured with two pins so that in case of fire or earthquake escape is easy.
Technical Characteristics
The side rectangular sections consist of aluminum in dimensions of 44 X 50 mm internally reinforced by galvanized steel section dimensions (27 mm X 40 mm X 27 mm) while at the front an inner blade is placed for greater empowerment. The horizontal bars include internal solid steel W 18 mm externally surrounded by aluminum W 26 mm and thickness 2 mm and secure with two internally threaded dowels.
Operating Instructions
1. Place one end of the bar into the hole of the casing that has holes for the locking pins, pushing it to the end.
2. Move the bar opposite to the hole in the opposite frame, pushing it to the end.
3. Screw the locking pin in the slot of the frame.
4. Repeat the same procedure for the other bar.
Cleaning Instructions
Use a cleaning solution of mild soap and water to which you can soak a cloth washing the surfaces to remove fingerprints and dust.

VIOMETALOUMIN Systems analytically.


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Viometaloumin Certifications

Security systems Viometaloumin.

13226692_1023842417652871_5278476155563571605_n Since 1963 Viometaloumin specializes in manufacturing top quality security systems for every space.


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  • Because we offer 3 Years Guarantee.
  • Because we offer the highest value at the lowest cost.
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